Research, Educate, and Empower individuals and families affected by Pompe Disease and other Lysosomal Storage diseases.
Funding Pompe Disease research and providing up-to-date studies so you and your medical team can make informed decisions about treatment options.
Helping you, your family, and the general public better understand Pompe Disease, and the role diet can have in its treatment.
Working to empower patients, families, and individuals to live a healthier lifestyle through dietary change.
Our Mission
The mission of the Pompe Warrior Foundation is to promote research, educate, and empower individuals and families affected by Pompe Disease and other Lysosomal Storage Diseases. We hope to highlight the importance of diet in treating these diseases. We will support research into new dietary treatments and utilize that research to educate individuals and the medical community. We hope to create a happy and healthier lifestyle for all involved. We will empower patients, families, and medical professionals to explore how dietary changes may play a role in treating these rare diseases.